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Polifarma at the 16th SOI International Congress

Many ophthalmologists from all over Italy visited Polifarma's Digital Corner.

May 25, 2018 Press

Last week, from 16 to 19 May, the 16th SOI International Congress took place at the MiCo Centre, in Milan. Ophthalmologist from all over Italy visited Polifarma’s stand, sharing their clinical experience with the therapeutic solutions we offer.

Specialists had the opportunity to visit Polifarma’s Digital Corner, where we introduced a new selection of apps and start-ups useful as a source of support for the patients and of training/information for ophthalmologists, and to screen the most common eye diseases.

Our audience was highly interested, and the number of doctors who signed up for our newsletter prove it, and we could not be more satisfied.
To continue to be informed about Polifarma Ophthalmology’s next initiatives and activities, sign up for our newsletter at: www.polifarmaofta.it/#digitalhealthcorner