Food supplement containing PinkActive™ which is a technology that adds the properties of hop extract and black pepper extract to Microactive® Melatonin. Microactive® Melatonin, thanks to its micronization and encapsulation of the substance, allows a more uniform distribution in the tablet and an optimal association with other ingredients, without compromising the activity of the individual components. It also determines a specific release of melatonin in two phases: a quick initial release to help you fall asleep faster and after a slow and prolonged release to keep melatonin levels high and diffuse its effects throughout the night . Melatonin contributes to the reduction of the time needed to fall asleep and helps alleviate the effects of jet lag. Hops extract contributes to the relaxation of the nervous system and can be useful in case of stress or sleep disorders. Black pepper extract has an antioxidant function.
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